一. 数据收集与表示
12,Finding Nemo (2003)"
13,Forrest Gump (1994)"
14,American Beauty (1999)"
22,Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)"
24,Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)"
38,Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)"
63,Twelve Monkeys (a.k.a. 12 Monkeys) (1995)"
77,Memento (2000)"
85,Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark) (1981)"
98,Gladiator (2000)"
105,Back to the Future (1985)"
107,Snatch (2000)"
114,Pretty Woman (1990)"
120,The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)"
121,The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)"
122,The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)"
134,O Brother Where Art Thou? (2000)"
141,Donnie Darko (2001)"
146,Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Wo hu cang long) (2000)"
二. 建立模型处理数据
- 计算个体-标签矢量(模型) 在模型构建器中实现,为数据集中的每部电影计算单位标准化TF-IDF载体。该模型包含每一项从ID到TF-IDF向量的映射,这一映射标准化为单位向量
TFIDFModelget() {
Map<String, Long> tagIds = buildTagIdMap();
MutableSparseVector docFreq = MutableSparseVector.create(tagIds.values());
Map<Long,MutableSparseVector> itemVectors = Maps.newHashMap();
MutableSparseVector work = MutableSparseVector.create(tagIds.values());
// Iterate over the items to compute each item's vector.
LongSet items = dao.getItemIds();
long counter = 0;
for (long item: items) {
// Reset the work vector for this item's tags.
List<String> tags = dao.getItemTags(item);
for(String tag: tags){
long tagId = tagIds.get(tag);
work.set(tagId, work.get(tagId)+1);
}catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
// init value to 1
work.set(tagId, 1);
MutableSparseVector temp = MutableSparseVector.create(tagIds.values());
for(String tag: tags){
long tagId = tagIds.get(tag);
// we already saw this tag in this item.
}catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
// first time we see this tag in this item.
temp.set(tagId, 1);
docFreq.set(tagId, docFreq.get(tagId)+1);
// Save a shrunk copy of the vector (only storing tags that apply to this item) in
// our map, we'll add IDF and normalize later.
itemVectors.put(item, work.shrinkDomain());
for (VectorEntry e: docFreq.fast()) {
long tagId = e.getKey();
if(tagId ==1){
double idf = e.getValue();
double log_idf = Math.log10(counter/idf);
docFreq.set(tagId, log_idf);
Map<Long,SparseVector> modelData = Maps.newHashMap();
for (Map.Entry<Long,MutableSparseVector> entry: itemVectors.entrySet()) {
MutableSparseVector tv = entry.getValue(); // tv is the TF of each tag for this item
// TODO Convert this vector to a TF-IDF vector
for(VectorEntry v: tv.fast()){
double tf = v.getValue();
//System.out.print(" tf: ");
double idf = docFreq.get(v.getKey());
//System.out.print(" idf: ");
tv.set(v.getKey(), tf*idf);
//System.out.print(" tf*idf ");
double len = tv.norm();
for(VectorEntry v: tv.fast()){
tv.set(v.getKey(), v.getValue()/len);
// Store a frozen (immutable) version of the vector in the model data.
modelData.put(entry.getKey(), tv.freeze());
// we technically don't need the IDF vector anymore, so long as we have no new tags
return new TFIDFModel(tagIds, modelData);
makeUserVector(user) {
// Get the user's ratings
List<Rating> userRatings = dao.getEventsForUser(user, Rating.class);
if (userRatings == null) {
// the user doesn't exist
return SparseVector.empty();